What type of hosting to choose to host the site?



Description of VPS and SSD VPS services

By ordering an SSD VPS or a standard VPS (Virtual Personal Server), you will get a virtual personal server under your control, which will be practically no different from a dedicated physical server.

As a virtualization technology, we use KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), which has the following advantages:

  • guarantee of the provision of processor resources, RAM and disk space according to the selected tariff;
  • full access to the server (VNC technology);
  • full independence of the operating system.

By ordering the service, you get additional features:

  • individual IP address (maximum 10);
  • the ability to install an SSL certificate;
  • choosing an operating system (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu Server, etc.);
  • selecting a control panel (ISPmanager, Hestia Control Panel or any other);
  • management with root rights of a completely isolated operating system;
  • configuration of the parameters that determine the operation of the system, independently;
  • installing the necessary system libraries;
  • deleting, adding and correcting files in the system;
  • installation of the necessary software.

VPS and SSD VPS services are optimally suited for projects that require increased reliability, security and isolation from other clients, have grown out of small sites and suffer from a lack of available resources, are initially developed taking into account heavy loads. Most often these are online stores, large portals, as well as popular blogs and other sites with high traffic.

SSD VPS rates are superior in performance to a regular VPS, but they provide a smaller hard disk size. When choosing a tariff, you need to pay attention to the current size of the sites.

You have the opportunity to verify the quality of our services by ordering a VPS server for a test period, that is, using it completely free of charge for 10 days. During this period, you will be able to evaluate all its advantages in practice.

Description of the Bitrix hosting service

The Bitrix hosting service is configured specifically for hosting sites on the 1C Bitrix CMS. There are also no restrictions on the number of sites, databases, and ftp accounts. As for disk space, you will be given 100 GB.

Please note that storing backups (backups = backup) and files not related to the site is prohibited. You can find out more about the terms of use of the service in the offer agreement. To store backup copies of websites, you can use our backup service, which is provided free of charge for Bitrix hosting users.

Description of the Unlimited hosting service

The Unlimited hosting service is designed to host unloaded sites. There are no restrictions on the number of sites, databases, and ftp accounts. As for disk space, you will be given 100 GB.

The service is ideal for hosting a business card website, a blog, a small online store or all of this at the same time in unlimited quantities.

Please note that storing backups (backups = backup) and files not related to the site is prohibited. You can find out more about the terms of use of the service in the offer agreement. To store backup copies of websites, you can use our backup service, which is provided free of charge for Bitrix hosting users.

What type of hosting should I choose to host the site?

Basic parameters:

The maximum number of visitors on the site at the same time The number of visitors per day The number of scripts used

Do you think which service to choose for hosting one or more sites?

When choosing the type of hosting, pay attention to the main parameters.

The first of them is the maximum number of simultaneous visitors on your site.

The second is the total number of visitors for one day.

The third is the content management system or CMS used, which stands for content management system.

The fourth parameter is the number of scripts used.

You can find out statistics on attendance by placing a counter. The most popular free services for collecting visitor statistics are Yandex Metrica (https://metrika .yandex.ru/promo ) and Google Analytics (https://www.google.ru/analytics / ).

If your site has just been launched or is still under development, then we advise you to use the simplest and most economical service — Unlimited hosting. By ordering it, you will be able to host an unlimited number of sites that will be available to all Internet users.

For sites on CMS 1C Bitrix we recommend our special service Bitrix hosting, which is specially configured and allows you to increase the efficiency of the site. There are also no restrictions on the number of sites hosted there. Here you can also purchase a license for 1C Bitrix with a benefit for yourself. 20% of the license cost will be returned to your balance and you will be able to spend it on any of our services.

If the number of simultaneous visitors to your site exceeds 100 or the number of visitors per day exceeds 1000, then we recommend that you use more powerful services such as VPS, SSD VPS or dedicated server rental for 100% guaranteed site performance. When using a large number of scripts and plugins, we also recommend more productive types of services.