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How do I log in to the hosting control panel?

  1. Follow the link
  2. Enter your username and password and click Sign in.

Error 404 Not Found

404 Not Found (404 Not found) is the HTTP response code of the server. The server has understood the request, but cannot find the requested data.

The 404 response is usually returned when the page has been moved or deleted, or the file name in the code and on the server does not match.

It means that the server itself has been found.

Error 403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden (403 Unavailable) is the HTTP response code of the server. The server understood the request, but it refuses to execute it because the client does not have the right to receive the requested resource.

1. Check the location of the site in FTP. The site files should be located in the www/site name/ folder, and if we are talking about a subdomain, then the path will be www/site name/subdomain/. Also make sure that there are files in the root folder of the site index.php either index.html (index.htm ).

2. If you need to use another (other) file(s) as an index, write them down.

  • Go to the server control panel: Hosting→To the server.
  • Go to Word Wide Web → WWW domains. All domain names will be displayed in the billing system,
  • Select the domain where the error occurred, double-click on the name with the mouse.
  • In the WWW Domain Parameters window that appears, in the Index Page item, you can change the name of the index files.

How to become your client?

Fill in the fields of the Registration form and click Register.

What is hosting and how does it differ from a domain?

Hosting is a paid service for hosting a website on the Internet.

A domain name or domain is the name of a website on the Internet.